How can I help my boyfriend eat healthier?


New member
Jan 6, 2009
I've been going out with this guy for over a year, and I love him dearly. I have an eating disorder and am really weird about food, and he knows this. He is not overweight at all, has a really quick metabolism, but he thinks that this means he can eat fatty meats like sausage and bacon, and ice cream by the gallon. I would be fine with that, but I'm worried about what it's doing to his cholesterol levels and his health further down the road. How can I gently get him to reduce his intake of these unhealthy foods, and how can I do it without him thinking it's just me being weird with food? Any thoughts, guys?
You don't want to be preachy and constantly comment on what he eats because that would be annoying. Instead, cook for him! That way you can put healthy things in his body without being didactic AND he's happy that you've made him food! Now, I know you probably can't cook for him that often. But try to every once in a while. I'm sure he'll really appreciate it too!