NeED ANsWERS NoW !!!!!!!!!!!!!! fish are gasping for air 10 points?


May 13, 2008
alright i have my 46 gallon tank set up and yes it was cycled i am running a RENA XP2 filter that's a 75 gallon tank filter and my fish are gasping for are now alla sudden and they have been in there for over 2 weeks i have added a large air stone i have 9 chiclids in it a couple zebras, blue bar, johmi , juli trans, and a couple of yellow labs please help and i changed around 8 gallons just now i was concerned it might of been ammonia and yes i do weekly water changes weekly and change filter media monthly please help ... what am i doing wrong
yeah i forgot that i tested for ammonia it torns out to be fine and one i added the air stone they are swimming around
yeah i forgot that i tested for ammonia it torns out to be fine and one i added the air stone they are swimming around
good gosh man

have you tested your water
sorry man thought a good joke would calm you down
from your question

but no need to worrie mate few things here will solve the trick
first off gasp for air could mean low water oxygen in the tank
make sure the air pump is well fit for your tank sometimes
10gal extra is good

ammonia could be your other source on why they up there
sometimes a lil bit of this can really hurt the lungs of a fish

try checking there gills for redness or a lil off pinkbrown
if so change the water asap doing a 30% water change would
reduce this

if you see after the water change that some of your fishes return to mid lower lvls i would recommend another water change the same time you did the last (like doing a back to back 24h water change)
but change 15% to about 25% of the water this time around

to make sure none of the lvls rise or spike just to keep it on the norm

*edits* getting a long bar air stone to fit the entire back of your tank is good also looks nice for ppl to see your set up

hope it helps
good luck to you
Gasping is obvious oxygen deficiency. You have probably done all your changes at the same time and your tank is in cycle. Nitrite does as much damage as ammonia and that is associated to oxygen.

Reading your question the filter hasn't been in there a month or the fish haven't? Never change filter medium till it falls to pieces.

Wouldn't hurt to take another 15 gallon out, but make sure it come from the gravel area.

After that do 20% daily for a week and then do a water test.

Too much too soon, you have been rushing things :eek:)