name that movie ?help help?


May 19, 2008
don't know what the name of the movie is but all I remember is
two sisters one is young like about 10-12 she goes to elementary school and the other sister is in high school she has piercings and tats,more of the punk type so the movie was about the older one was told by her mother to go pick up the sister from school one day and she forgot to pick her the young one is waiting in front of the school for the sister and she never shows so she goes inside school to call home or the sister don't know for sure .so while she is calling the janitor is looking at her strange .she ends up getting raped by him and beaten.she is eventually found but she doesn't remember anything .don't know how it ends but I think the mother tries to kill the janitor in court
so ya that all that I remember my sister thinks it a lifetime movie but she is not sure
thanks for your help