Can you legally hunt and kill sea lions and seals in the USA?


May 11, 2008
specifically california
this is info for a article i have been reading. please keep your rude comments to yourself.
There aren't really any seals native to the USA (besides for Alaska), but the sea lion is a protected species everywhere in the USA, especially California. Certain kinds of seal is protected species in some parts of Alaska but I don't think you can hunt them in general, and why would you want to you f*ckhead!
dont kill animals. thats fuck. u wouldnt be so happy if I go to ur house with a harpoon and shoot u then drag u somewhere far where poeple are gonna cut u up
Fishermen do it all the time at sea. In Redondo Beach CA. dead seals and sea lions wash up on the shore all the time with bullet holes in them
no, because all the species of seals and sea lions that I know of in the USA are either protected or the natives are the only ones allowed to hunt them, different here in canada, ha ha.
forget the law, why would you want to do something so horrible like that.

you are mean