Can you convert a word file to a PDF file? how?

You need pdf downloaded, put it into google. Then if you press "File" on the word document then go down to "Print" it will give you the option of Printing it on to a pdf. "IT WONT ACTUALLY PRINT THOUGH" and then look in your documents and u will have a pdf"
The best (free) way that I've found is to open the document in OpenOffice Writer and use the export as PDF feature.

There are also various pieces of software that act like printers, except they create a PDF instead of inking up paper.
write in google or yahoo: word to pdf convertors.
Find a free convertor and download it,
then open word file and go to 'print'.
Instead of selecting your printer select Convert to PDF (or similar), and press print.
Then it will ask you where you want to save your document to.
Dont worry it will not print your document.