Do we face the histiory of NOSTRADAMUS?

Nostradamus is only right AFTER an even has taken place never before.How many times do you hear of him ever 'predicting' things and we get warned before hand? The answer is never. He was criticizing current politics rather than looking into the future and wrote ambiguously so that he would not get hanged.
There have been many philosophers thought out history. Nostradamus like many others has predicted certain incidents and has been wrong of others. It is all very interesting, but no way of knowing for sure. That is why we should not live in stress.

All we need to do is have faith in GOD and continue to do our best. Always live every day like it was your last and love everyone around you!
Like all "seers," Nostradamus was a hoaxster -- perhaps not intentionally on his part, maybe he was sincerely mad.

Anything he predicted that actually occurred was strictly coincidental, and/or due to selective interpretation.
i dont think it will occur. just like with the mayan calender ending in 2012...they prlly just couldnt calculate farther than that date without being inaccurate...just like the weather men not forcasting more than a week in advance.
Nostradamus predicated vague generalities. I can say there will be a great war fought soon and be called a prophet. I know that bad stuff happen before so it is probably going to happen again.