i just need to rant. its kinda long, but someone please take the time to read?


New member
Dec 28, 2008
this isnt a question, i just need to rant. still comment if you want. my gf asked me out 9 months ago. before she did though, we talked all the time. we would email constantly when we were apart. she showed a true interest in me. as soon as the asked me out and i said yes, it changed. first of all, we're in college. during breaks and holidays we go home which are 5 hours apart. i asked for her number and it went ignored. so our only form of contact is email. it starts out the same way every time. i thought it would change by now, but i guess not. ill email her, then she'll respond the next day. it goes like this for a day or so then her emails get shorter where they are only a sentence or two. then they stop completely. my email notifies me when someone reads mine. ill get the notification, but she'll never respond. i might get a one-sentenced email from her a week or so later. but in the meantime, she logs onto gaia and messes around and updates her facebook a lot. if she can do all that, why cant she take a minute to email me. i was under the notion that communication is important, especially when you're apart. if she wont respond to one, why send another? it just really hurts. im thinking of giving it a few more days and then sending an email saying "i take it you dont want to stay in contact?". but if i do say soemthing then she'll start doing things because she feel like she has to and not because she wants to. ive asked question here about ti before, and most said to end it. ill try talking to her if she ever responds back, but im starting to consider ending things. obviously im not important enough to her for ehr to spend a minute from her day talking to me.
im also tired of getting funny looks from relatives when they ask me if ive heard from her and i say no. then they ask why i dont call her, then i have to explain that i dont have her number.