My download speed should be 500 -800 kbps but it goes 30 - 40 kbps? in torrent?

This seems to be some serious problem with your wireless router. You can try with the following steps,
1.)Reset the wireless router by using the power switch on it or by unplugging it and plugging it back in.
2.)Place the wireless router in an ideal location. The higher it is, the better, but don't put it near metal objects.
3.)Get as close as possible to the router with whatever device you're trying to connect.
4.)Keep the router and your connecting device away from other electronics. You should especially keep away from phones, fax machines and microwaves. etc.,
5.)Adjust the Wifi antenna if it has one.
6.)Change the router's channel, especially if other wireless routers are nearby.Following these steps would give you stable internet connection and also increased speed in connection. You can check your internet speed from before and after following these steps.