If there was a red pen, a black pen and a blue pen on a table which one would you...


Mar 27, 2008
Id pick up the black pen (well there isnt a pink one!)
Fave animal...i dunno really
Like night the best
Twister is always fun
Id be a rockstar

So whats this all about!?
...pick up and write with? What is your favorite animal?
What time of day do you like best?
your favorite board game?
and what would you do if you were a celebrity or millionaire?

I put this in the glbt section on purpose.
monkey or dog
life or guess who
im not sure
and it is for fun
Zebras suck as far as zoo animals go giraffes are better.
animal-i love all the animals but lions are the best
fav time-dusk
celebrity or millionaire-donate to charities, buy a huge house, give friends and family some, try to make a positive difference in someones life, travel abroad
I Would Use The Red Pen
My Fav Animal Is A Giraffe
My Fav Board Game Is Mouse Trp
If I Was A Celebrity I Would Give Blood :S
I would choose the purple pen!!! Ha ha ha, the colour wheel wins every time.

Either my dog Honey, or sharks. Both are supremely cool.

I like after midnight, around 2ish the best

I'm not sure, they all have really bad points. Maybe Trivial Pursuit.

What wouldn't I do? I would do everything I ever wanted to if I were a celebrity/ millionaire.
Blue pen definitely.
I like polar bears.
I am most relaxed around 10 pm. So I'd say then.
This is a toughy. I'll say... Monopoly. Gotta love the classics.
Buy a fuel efficient expensive car and find worthy charities to spread the wealth.
I'd look for a pencil, like most fellow writers I know would.
Pug dogs.
The hours between 10PM and 4AM.
And I'd finance my pet project.
Red or Blue. Depends what im writing, formal or for someone else id use blue, for myself id use Red




Live how i wanted to at the time and not worry about anything. Id have enough money to settle in a nice house and live where i felt was nice and keep the money secret so i can do as needed ^^
I'd use the blue or black pen.

I like dogs, especially pugs or terriers.

I love the morning, from 7am to noon -but I'm rarely up before 9am.

I do not have a favourite board game - I do not like them.

I doubt I would change very much if I were a celebrity or millionaire. I'd change my car for a hybrid model like a Toyota Camry, or I'd drive a Prius or a Smart. I'd use my status to educate people on pollution of all kinds, and about reduce-reuse-recycle or consumer waste management.. I'd try to teach them to be less materialistc and to think about their consumer choices.