Ok Im with Sprint but I think I should switch over to Criket?


New member
Sep 1, 2008
With my Sprint plan I have free Texts, Picture Mail, Internet, Downloads and Free after 7. All of that for 20 Dollars a month plus tax. With Criket I have unlimited EVERYTHING for 50 dollars. I know the ovious answer would be Sprint but I really like free incoming and my parents say it is out of the question. With Criket everything you do is monitered by the police. Which is a invasion of privacy but I wont and dont do any elegal activities any way. Which one. Thanks for ever one who replies.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How is your Sprint plan that cheap? And Cricket is horrible.
I had Cricket for about a year and I loved it.
I was paying around 65/month for unlimited EVERYTHING. Plus about 10 in extra stuff like ringback tones and data backup. (2 ringback tones a month free and an unlimited amount :))
I never once dropped a call or lost signal. But, I also don't travel much and stay in the city (Phoenix). Check the websites signal ratio or whatever for the country.

The only things I didn't like about it, is that you can't participate in like any texting things. Such as texting your bank to see what your balance is or "Cha Cha".

The only reason I switched was because the phones are pretty limited and I was paying for myself (I'm only 16) and T-Mobile on my dad's plan was 50.

Hope I helped :)