How can i hide it????


New member
Dec 23, 2008
I have a small flat mole the size of a pencil rubver just underneath my fringe, I like to have short hair but keep it long enough to cover the mole because i hate the look of them....I have just had my haircut though and it is cleary visible, does anyone know anyways i can hide it....would the doctor remove it for me if i asked him?
Don't try using make up to cover it up because it will just look nasty
i reckon that the doctor should remove it if you want. Until then you could always restyle your hair to cover it
i had one above my eyebrow when i was 8 the docter burned it off for me, i remember that day SO well! i was really scared of getting it burned off but when he did it i was like wow that was fast i barely felt it! it feels like a little pinch thats all, just book an appointment tomorrow!
hope i helped!