A few questions about how to deal with hamsters?


Jun 4, 2008
I have a few questions about hamsters. (I recently got two hamsters for my kids as an early birthday present, but I don't know much about how to "raise" a hamster).

1) Is there a way to successfully designate a particular area in the cage as their "official" sleeping area? For example, if I see them sleeping elsewhere, and gently move them to the sleeping area, will they eventually learn that they're supposed to sleep there? I'm trying to keep the area as clean as possible.

2) How do I best bond with my new critters? They seem scared when I touch them, or try to touch them. They bit me a lot the first day, but not anymore. Should I approach them slowly? Is it too pushy to try to hold them on their second day in our house?

3) How many hours a day should I ideally spend with my hamsters?

4) How friendly can a person and a hamster become?

5) What are some good snacks that they love more than anything? I tried peanut butter, but they just seemed to like it a little.

Also!!! 6) Do hamsters recognize who I am by my smell, or are all humans the same to them?
Never touch your hamster while its sleeping

Just spend time with it everyday and it will get use to you.

When you get your new hamster leave it alone for like two days so it can get use to its surroundings.

They love bananas and other veggies, try giving it food out of your hand and soon it will start to trust you.
ok well your not suppose to hold your hamster or really touch them for the first week as they need to get used to there new environment that why they would be scared an maybe bite you, also there near sighted they have poor vision!. i'm not sure about training them to sleep in a specific spot they will most likely just sleep where ever. After they get used to where there living you can start to bond with them more, there's not a whole lot you can do with hamsteres but just pet them, hold them, and even talk to them they love that too! you can give them apples or carrots an such (dnt give them oranges tho!!!!) you can research more of wut you can give them.
1.) Hamsters will sleep where they like. You can't change that. Don't try and keep their cage 'neat'- you wouldn't like it if a huge hand came along into your house and kept moving things around! Plus, it stresses them out.

2.) You need to make sure you leave them alone for about a week before you start handling them- so yes, it is too 'pushy', and potentially dangerous, to start handling them on day two. The best you can do for now is talk to them and get them used to the world around them. Then, you can start gently stroking them (on the back is best, not from the front) and then slowly feeding them treats from your hand, and then finally scooping them up- coming down on them with your hand will just make them nervous, but scooping from behind works well.

3.) Once they're tamed, you only need to spend fifteen minutes a day (each) handling them, and fifteen minutes a day (each) in their exercise balls. Any longer than this is disturbing their natural pattern and could, again, stress them. Also, the best time to handle them is in the evening.

4.) Fairly friendly. Not as friendly as say, a cat/dog and a human, but pretty friendly- they get used to climbing on you, but they'll never ask to come out of their cage, but they may wake up at the time you normally start handling them.

5.) The BEST snacks are vegetables. Carrots, cabbage (but not lettuce), cucumber, apple, etc. Not too much, because it can give them the runs. It's not a good idea to give things like peanut butter because it's too sugary/salty, and is full of additivies that may not be safe for animals. If you want a more 'snack' treat than vegetables, it's best just to buy them from a pet store, where you know they're safe.

6.) Hamsters don't learn different humans through the sense of smell (so it won't know you from your kids) but they will learn that the smell of humans is 'safe'. The thing that mostly makes hamsters bite is unfamilier smell and movement, which is why most people get bitten, especially kids.
My Hamster sleeps in different spots. My grandpa just built him a little house and put it in his current favorite sleeping spot. He uses it all the time now.

You may be scaring him when you pick him up. Think about his point of view. A big hand twice as big as you are comes out of sky a grabs you. Scary! Try scooping him up with you hand or a cup instead of grabbing at him. Also try putting a miss matched sock or old t-shirt in the cage. Something with your scent on it.

It depends on your little dude. He will have bad days and good days just like humans. He will let you know when he has had enough. We let mine run around on the couch and when he is done he go right back in his cage all by himself. If we have him on the porch he will try and climb up next to the door.

Very! Mine has such a personally. He comes when grandpa calls him but could care less about the rest of us.

Again it depends are your little guy. Mine begs for almonds every morning. Try different things to see what he likes but make sure that treats are not his main diet.