Will GM and Chrysler survive to live in 2010?


New member
Dec 20, 2008
Tax payers are bailing them out now but will they make it to 2010? There have to be some wage cuts for all including those overpaid executives who seem to have bet on the wrong horses over the years. Make a cheap car with good life and you might have a winning combination, not only do your customers score a big winner at the pumps but you help the environment, create jobs, and stay alive to say you outrode the recession. Can they do it or are there heads still to big to accept cuts across the board? What do you think?
If they don't make it the economy isn't going to recover for a very long time.
Yes they will make it to 2010.
Our lawmakers will make sure of it.
As far as wage cuts across the board it won't happen.
It would be more cost effective to launch a negative campaign against the unions.
By any chance they don't make it,
I'm sure that void will be filled.
Hopefully not, free market? it is time to kill off some of the deadwood regardless of where they are, Private jets? and begging bowls? too much for me. Tax payers beware