Hesitation problem! 2003 Audi A4 1.8T ?


New member
Dec 15, 2008
I have a 2003 Audi A4 1.8T with 76K miles and it does not want to drive smooth between 20-40 mph. It might not be obvious to some but from driving different types of cars I can tell there is something unusual.
My troubleshooting approach:
I went to the auto parts store and bought the spark plugs recommended but no luck.
I replaced the spark plugs with the expensive dealer type that cost me $75.00 and still noticed the same problem.
I did not replace the spark plug coils on the car because they appeared to be in good shape.

I checked the oil level and it was low and had some type of red liquid in it so I added more oil. Also I added more coolant to the reservoir because it was low mark line.
The car does not overheat.

I am thinking it might have a head gasket issue?
A friend told me it might be the transmission.

Can anyone help me with this issue before I make my next move to an Audi repair shop which I am hesitant about so far.

thanks in advance.