New Hampshire stereo types?


New member
Dec 12, 2008
i just saw a question about stereo types and it made me think. I just moved to florida and thought everyone down here was going to be real stuck up rich tan bleach blonde bimbos with little white sports cars lol i also thought there would be gators everywhere but i have not seen one yet?!

It ends up that most everyone is down to earth country folk hah and gators are only in certain areas.

SOOOOO haha I was wondering what people think my original state is like and how the people look act and talk? accent? dress? live? what we do for fun? anything?
Outgoing , friendly, overly fond of drinking, granola, crunchy down to earth, working class people in flannels and boots.
New Hampshire motto is "Live Free or Die" right?

I mean, it's a freak state of New England hippies who are spoiled because they get the Presidential Primaries early in their state.

Very small and very egotistical.

Sorry so negative, but you asked about New Hampshire's reputation....... and I'm from the mid-west.
Each state have their especial culture and ways of acting for example people from NY are not going to think the same with people from Texas. Each state has their problems, TV, entertainment has influence greatly on people minds making some people believe that Maine are full of boring people and Texas full of old people and Miami full of drugs and partying and 90210 the capital of spending your money. Only because you watch things on tv doesn't mean that the people are the same with what you see in the tv or movies. My point is not everyone is the same don't expect people to be like the people that act in movies & tv because you won't know till you there.