did chewing tobacco (4 times in my life) hated it?


May 14, 2008
last year was my sophomore year in highschool. under peer pressure i did chewing tobacco (only about 4 times) probably the equivalent of one tin or even less.

i did not like doing it and as a precaution, the few times i did it i did a small amount (as i said in total maybe one full tin.. thats it. and never held it in long enough to get a buzz - usually spit out while they werent looking) I sadly know some people who are into that and other things who i do NOT hang out with anymore.

as i said i only did it 4 times or so in my life. never will again. my teeth and gum checkups have always been good. i know it was stupid and i am proud to say i stay away from people who do bad things, and do not do things under peer pressure anymore. so ya, should i be worried about getting mouth cancer? thank you everyone