how to eat healthy and get abs?

ok, I am 19, have been there and done it with working out. I use to be fat, now i have a 4 pack and last summer i was at a 6 pack, with a little extra fat, cuz i love food. lol
But, here are the basics.. really easy. its a 7 step process
1. Dont eat any carbs at night (bread, pasta.. any!!)
2. dont eat after 7
3. Eat a lot of protein throughout the day.. but only protein at night (meats that are lean preferabbly.. turkey, chicken)
4. Go to the gym or do workout everyday for at least 45 minutes. (run every day)
5. In the morning eat oatmean or keesha cereal. Lot of fiber and will hold u over
6. Protein shake at night(lean protein shake with water = perfect)
7. Do ab workouts, heavy weights, and more cardio.

oh and remember what yout goal is. It may sound cleche but take a pic of yourself and look at your new body in 6 weeks. And seriously food is the biggest thing to getting a 6 pack and loose fat. EAT HEALTHY!
hope it works for u =]