Does the future or the past actually exist?


Jun 26, 2008
Outside of human imagination and human memory
are the future or the past real, tangible things? Do they exist
or are they only in our minds?
Any physics in your answer would be appreciated = )
No the future does not exist yet, now is the past to the upcoming future.
The past was now then and now is the future to the past.
Remnants from the past are tangible (just look at all the fossils and ruins we have). The concept of time is a human creation which really makes no sense to beings who are not human, and is not relevant to their lives anyway.
I have heard that everything we experience is that of an illusion. What that means I do not know, but that has been one heck of a game.
' E l l o!

Well, I am just saying what a philosopher believed

Things in the mind do not exist.
Yesterday, that car you were looking at, no longer exist because it only exist in your mind, meaning it doesn't exist.

So since the past is gone to the mind, and in the mind, nothing exist, then only the present is true and nothing changes.
Exist in what sense? As human constructs, yes. Literally, no. I don't need physics, just definitions. The past is the relationship of things in a state in which they once existed, and the future is the relationship of things in a state that has yet to come into existence. That which exists, necessarily exists in the present. The present is the state of things as they exist.
ohh well thats kinda confusing isnt it. well the past DID exist and the future WILL exist but they dont exist at the moment.... well i didnt really answer anything did i haha i'm no physicist so yea...
yes they do exist, i was there yesterday and that is in the past but it did happen, so the future and past do exist, except the future doesn't exist until it happens
This is a remarkable question!
I think, that the past is defintly real, but the future we mold.

it all depends, really
i think it's all memories