I need a suggestion for a centerpiece fish.?


New member
Nov 29, 2008
It is a 10 gallon tank with proper filtration, circulation, and heating. It is full of live plants.

It has 6 neon tetras.
5 oto's
2 Cory Cats
Cories do better in groups of 6 or more, just like the neons. So I'd get rid of the Cories, and get something colorful, like a betta.
Don't get an angelfish, please. They eat the tetras, which is sad. In my tank I have neons, black skirted tetras, some glowfish and a few cleaning fish. They are happy as clams. Try some other tetras. They are very happy like that.
I think that you should get a beta. They have long absolutely beautiful tails and they should only be aggressive toward other betas. You can find cheap ones in the fish section at walmart. At a pet store with fish you can find the regular veil tails and sometimes the crown tails. If you go to a breeder and don't mind spending a bit more you can get a half moon. These are absolutely beautiful.
Don't get anymore, it is already too crowded. The cories should be in groups of 4 or five, anyway. If you upgrade to a larger tank, then a nice centerpiece fish is a male dwarf gourami: http://www.thekrib.com/Fish/gourami.jpg
EDIT: Do NOT get a goldfish, and I wouldn't get a betta either because they can be aggressive to neons sometimes.
I would say a nice fancygold fish,
but Im not sure if they can live with them,.
Antying with BRIGTH colors
or a big tail I guess :p