Why do people look to celebrities for fashion trend?


Mar 15, 2008
Like I bet if Brat Pitts or Matt Damon start going out with a beatle hair cut, all of the sudden the 60's look is back and everybody will be doing it.. but if one normal guy do that, you'd think he's silly and stupid. what's up with that?
Well they are celebrities and the are popular.When they are known to the whole universe then they start thinking that it does look good at least on the celebrities so they want the next new thing.Hope I helped!-M*LO23:)
I don't. But I guess because celebs have more mooney and have new designer style clothing readily available, we look to them. We all have the same trends I would say. There isn't one celeb who hasn't worn something that a normal person has worn. When celebs do things, ppl think it's cool. Like the Jonas Brothers and skinny jeans, which I happen to love on guys (not because they wear them). But that's a perfect example of how this world works. And like Chris Brown and his mohawk. SO many guys have that and half of them don't look good with it! It's just how people are. Once someone with attention does something (foolish or not), we follow.
Cause its wahts In and Out

Help me please.
it's the media.
the masses live for it.
when celebrities do things like wear fashions it becomes emulated and imitated.