How can anyone criticize Obama's morals or judgment outside of politics when...?

I don't criticize Obama's judgements outside of politics, I judge them all inside politics. I couldn't care less about his private life, it's his political life that threatens the moral fiber of this country.
fill in the blanks skippy!

they remain friends, she voted for him and even had a mccain sign on

her lawn!

yes the racist church thing for 20 years trumps your

My God, you're absolutely right. We should accept Obama and everything he says and does without question for the next four years, because he is without blemish or sin.
McCain first wife was NOT disfigured, nor was she "near-dead". Have you seen any recent pictures of her? Actually, a very attractive woman, in possession of and control of all her limbs, with a high-level government career and, according to her interview, extremely happy with her life.
She and McCain divorced SEVEN YEARS after he returned from Vietnam. That's longer than many marriages even last.
What a simpering little rumor monger you seem to be.
As for criticizing Obama morals and judgment, his judgment seems shaky at best. His morals neither you nor I know, at this time.

Edit: Just me....he has said it many times, actually, and quite publicly.
And Clinton never cheated on his wife? Most of the presidents do just do your research. But that doesn't make it right. They mostly criticize Obama and his wife for being anti-American especially with his ties with known terrorist Bill Ayers and the anti- American group ACORN. McCain's ex-wife supported him and he regrets what he did to her.
Hussein allegedly had oral sex with Larry Sinclair in 1999 while married to his some-what disfigured Michelle Obama wife!
It's the right.
They think that someone has died and left them in charge of judging and condemning others.

Funny how if they looked close the things they are accusing others of doing would be a mirror reflecting their own deeds
This picture was taken the day John came back from 'Nam, just stepped off the plane at the airport, and Carol was waiting for him there.
Carol was not "near-dead", in fact she had recovered from the accident over 2 years BEFORE John came home (or even knew she had been in an accident).

You are either very dishonest, very uninformed, or you love drama.

John and Carol were married for 2 years before he was captured, he was gone for almost 6 years...John and Carol had BOTH changed during that time, they barely even knew each other anymore, people change, shit happens...And John was in even WORSE physical shape than Carol, because of the injuries he suffered fighting for our country...They got divorced 7 YEARS after John came home....He didn't just jump off the plane and jump onto Cindy...What's wrong with you people?

If your spouse is in a car accident, you can never divorce them, even if you don't see them for 6 years and you don't love each other anymore?...Step into reality for a second...

BTW: Carol is an intelligent, strong, independent, wealthy woman...It pisses her off when people act like she's weak, crippled and helpless...I'm sure she wouldn't appreciate "near-dead" either...If you 'care' about her so much, stop insulting her.