Has Bush tarnished the Republican brand for the forseeable future?


New member
Aug 10, 2008
John McCain had no chance of winning. There were many reasons (poorly-managed campaign, picking Sarah Palin, schizophrenic reactions to various crises, inconsitency, having an opponent that's a very charismatic speaker, having an opponent that ran a very organized campaign, etc.) -- but probably the most damaging to McCain was Bush's tarnishing of the Republican brand. Polling shows that even most Republicans do not like Bush any more.

Then you had the Democrats gaining even more power in the House & Senate. The United States seems to be moving more to the left, and becoming more like the progressive/liberal places of Europe or Canada.

I personally do not see a Republican winning the White House for the next 16 years at least.

Some Republicans allege that they need to be "more conservative", and that McCain wasn't conservative enough. I think this would be a huge mistake, and only shows how out-of-touch many Republicans are. If anything, they should be pushing more towards the center, appeal to women & non-whites. Otherwise, the Republican Party may become marginalized and will be on par with the third parties.

Has the Republican brand been tarnished to the point that we will probably not see a Republican win the White House for a very long time?
Kristina: *You're
Jules: Watergate was minor compared to Bush. Watergate was merely Nixon wanting to illegally wire-tap some of his opponents. Yawn. Bush actually started a war unnecessarily that cost thousands of lives and billions of dollars, and hurt our standing & respect in the world. Bush authorized torture, which stands against everything America is about. Bush expanded government (Patriot Act, wiretapping, bailouts), which is against what Republicans are about. Bush allowed jobs to be shipped overseas during his administration. Bush doubled the deficit (which Clinton had reduced), and eliminated the budget-surplus that Clinton created and took us back in to debt. All of Clinton's hard work was squandered by Bush & Cheney (Cheney, BTW, has a lower approval rating than Bush -- that's pretty low). Bush was a disasterous president and even the majority of Republicans are finally admitting it. The only people that aren't admitting Bush's failures are the ignorant & stubborn that want to save face.
Lets face it, if the GOP can come back from Watergate they can come back from this.
It is much more than Bush's dismal Presidency. The Religious Right of the Republican party has tried to take over and turn the party into religious zealotry and many of the mainstream Republicans don't like it.IMO, the split has been coming for a long time, and it is much needed.
Yes Bush was complete disaster for Republicans. If Republicans continue to feed fear to empty headed people they got no chance of winning in next 20 years.
The Republicans need to go back to their values of limited government (Bush greatly expanded it), free enterprise (haha no we don't have it now), liberty (you'd gotta be a fool to think that today's republicans care about that), and non-intervention.

We need to get rid of this neocon bull**** and then maybe the Republicans can return. Now they are so screwed that they are counting on Sarah Palin to bring them a comeback.
I think it's wishful thinking on behalf of the lefties. What do you consider the forseeable future? The next senate race, next presidential election.......I think you'll find both parties bounce back quickly!
Add FOX news and Palin to that.
Suddenly they made it seem so irrational to be a Republican.
Your just venting.
But yes, I don't think we had the right candidate. I wanted Mitt Romney.

Republicans tend to fight themselves. We stand in a circle inward and shoot eachother. Democrats stand in a circle facing outward shooting anyone who offendes any one of their comrades.
Actually, Bush will be recognized for the splendid president he is more and more as we go into the next administration and history
He tarnished it because of the way he and his administration made poor decisions, or didn't make decisions at all. Part of it was the de-regulation of Wall Street. But a lot of it was the way he handled the war in Iraq. He thought it was a good idea to send our troops there, when the real fight was against Osama not those in Iraq. He never took the time necessary to go after Bin Laden. The war in Iraq costs us billions and it is putting a strain on our economy. Also I believe that Bush did not make good use of getting some important programs running and taking care of the health care crisis. The majority of it had to do with the economy and how he let the CEO's off the hook by offering more bail outs. That is one reason why McCain lost because Bush wasn't trust worthy. When many saw McCain they saw the same mindset that would lead to more heart ache and more companies going under. Its not all Bush's fault but he made it so Republicans couldn't be trusted as easily.
Unfortunately Bush has done enough damage that it isnt going to matter if we see any new Republicans in office. Its all done..... And this is the aftermath, being blamed on the Dems as usual.
The Democrats have done their fair share of screwing things up themselves involving Fanny & Freddie, and no reasonable tort reform, but nothing as big as what Bush and his thugs have done....
To answer your main question,yes.
Bush has been such a disaster as President that I do indeed think it has harmed the Republicans as a whole.
As to how long before another Republican sits in The White House,I think that depends on how well Obama does.