What will you do in the evenings now that I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here is

Oct 24, 2008
going to be stopped? http://uk.tv.yahoo.com/blog/article/62806/

Do you think the real reason is because Joe won't win now that Timmy Mallet is in?

It'll take a monsoon of Noah's Ark like proportions to get that programme off the air. Anyways they don't get that much rain in Shepperton's back lot!
Ain't that Kilroy Silk bloke a proper little Action Man?! I still don't like the slimy geezer, he's sold out too much on his Labour roots for my liking.
And why don't they get that Michaela Strachan bird into the jungle to keep that Mallet geezer company? She woz the only reason I used to watch Wacaday!