EASIEST way to lose weight ?


Jul 21, 2008
i ' m kind of over weight , and i would like to lose weight for the new year (2009) because it ' s a new year so a new start and new me .

i have limited access to a gym and it ' s cold so prefer not run . so please work around those limitations .

i go to high school & of course all they serve are Candy , chips , slushies , french fries , and cookies . Probably not the healthiest.

I tried to not eat anything for the whole day and it worked but when i got home i had dinner and that wasn ' t healthy so i felt bad about myself.

I want to do something that would make me lose the back fat UGH and maybe drop a couple of pants sizes even if it ' s one pants size .

Don ' t forget that i want this all done by January 1 ,2009 . i ' ll do anything and everything to accomplish my goal .

- thank you very much .

( please nothing mean ] i dont care about your mean opinions :]