how do you put an end to all the whining?!?

my 7-year old son has always been highly-opinionated. it's impressive when it comes to solving problems and creative logic. but now he's using it almost every way he can in the form of irritating whining.
"but mom, the water's cold! i can't take a bath with cold water!", "i hate school! it's boring!", "i told you, i don't like soup! i'll eat a sandwich! it's good for me!", and so on.
he always does what he's told. but always in the middle of all this whining. aside from duct tape, any other suggestions? :)
thanks for the tip, molly. too bad you say it like a jerk. tsk.
oh and the 'cold water' he was complaining about wasn't really cold. he just didn't want to take a bath. after i used my 'mom's not messing with you' voice on him, he did take a bath --but whined from shampoo to rinsing to towelling off.
i'm past 30, kyle c. and judging by your answer, you must be around...3? :)
Wow you must be a really BAD mom if you dont even know how to controll your kids i mean its not that hard just yell at him and take something that he loves away so he learns his lesson...i would say if you dont do that soon hes going to be one bratty kid!
ask him questions about how you think it makes you mom did that...but i never really whinned....
Tell him that you will no longer listen to anything he says if he says it while whining. My kids know that they have to speak clearly. They can t come whining or crying because all I will say is stop whining/crying and then tel me. It helps them get ahold of themselves and then they can clearly tell me what they want. It may work for you too. Good luck