Did you know that hunting season is the biggest cheating season of the year?


New member
Sep 16, 2008
It's the perfect excuse to get away!
Well of course they cheat all year long, but since hunting is a GREAT reason to get out of the house "no questions asked". I heard about it on the news... they had a PI on there talking about how hunting season is her heaviest time of the year.
The story focused on her investigating men, but I'm certain women use that time to cheat also!

Hey, I'm not point fingers (some people are a bit uptight!) I just thought it was interesting!!
Yes, I can see why women would cheat on their man during hunting season. Poor guys. They should stop it.
No not really.
Guys don't need a season to cheat... just opportunity and a willing partner.
Most men I know actually like to hunt....deer.