Can I believe, and do good like Jesus asks, but not associate with

Yes; religion is man trying to impress God whereas spirituality is God impressing man.
Yes you can, and you would be surprised to know that there are many out there who think the same way as you.
Of course you CAN.
Question I guess is...
Are all religions multi-million dollar?
Are you really better off by going solo and relying completely on your OWN interpretation and your own sense of right and wrong and will you be able to better avoid temptation and rationalizing bad behavior by practicing your religion on your own..without any type of "organization" perspective, or past experience to pull upon?
The other choice which is to augment your own personal relationship with that of an established organized religion. Peppering in their collective experiences with your own. Using their teachings, sermons, and lessons as a mirror to keep yourself from veering too far off the path??

Choice is yours. I can see the logic in both..but obviously, based on my posting lean towards the latter.

PERSONALLY.. I think 99.9999% of people out there are NOT capable of putting that much effort into researching their religion, Fully understanding the figures of speech and context of the bible, avoiding justification and rationalizations which creep into your interpretations over time, etc. I think we ALL need other people to hold up a mirror to us, to reflect back at us how we are truly acting. I think organized religions have a lot of "wisdom" they have built up over the years on what works, and what doesn't and how to avoid certain pitfalls. I think anyone who can't see that is probably more then a little arrogant.

My particular religion has nearly 2,000 years of "wisdom" -- yeah..they've made more then a few mistakes..but their core teachings haven't changed and they have learned from the past. As a member.. I can easily tap into this wisdom and am MUCH better off for it then if I re-invented the wheel and "lone wolfed" it.

But I'm Catholic.. so I'm sure I'll get tons of thumbs down(s)
It depends on who you ask. If you ask a very strict Christian, they will tell you no. They will tell you that you have to be baptized in the name of Christ in order to be saved. If you ask a more open minded individual like myself and several other's who have already answered this question, they will tell you yes you can. I don't see a problem with it because your heart is in the right place and you are doing good works not for yourself, but because yuo care. That's what I would say.