Any comments from the global warming crowd?


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Interesting article here:

Basically, Al Gore's chief scientific proponent of global warming plays fast and loose with the figures. The report states that the error was so glaring that it was reported in TWO blogs.

It seems that Dr James Hansen, likes to play fast and loose with the figures and has been caught before reporting erroneous data.

What is amazing is that even after reports like this, liberal, and global warming pundits are not likely to admit that the issue of global warming MAY (even) be overblown. .

Even if it was overblown it would be in the best interest to assume it exist and stop consuming fossil fuels, than to assume it doesn't exist and continue burning fossil fuels.
Global warming is no longer a theory, accept fact. Ice the size of California has melted in the last 2 years alone. Turn off Rush Limbaugh and turn on the national geographic channel. Really, it might help you.
Global warming is fact......, the cause is the only thing being debated.

I personally think it's a combination of both, a natural cycle, and an acceleration of the cycle by human activity...mostly cars and coal fired power plants.