Hannah Montana trivia....answers?!?


New member
May 14, 2008
Hi. I was recently thinking about the Hannah Montana episodes that I've watched, and I remember this one part out of one of them where Jackson's watching the TV, but then rolls his eyes and turn it off. I have a feeling that what he was watching on TV was something to do with Hannah herself (maybe 'best of both worlds' theme?? I really don't know...) and I *think* the episode was a whole Jackson/Miley hate thing. And then them getting over it. (Or...wait....I think maybe Hannah's been getting so much attention, and Jackson none, and he's really mad. And then he goes to watch TV to try distract him from it but she pops up on the screen....hmm..I really don't remember!)

Anyways, sorry for the vagueness, but my memory's not working at all. Exams do that. Funny, isn't it??

Okay. Thanks heaps in advance.


(And sorry if anyone's bugged that this is in the celebrity section. I just couldn't find a TV section.)
AH! I forgot to even ask the question - :p. The question is: what's the episode called?

Thanks again.