How healthy should I eat at Resturants?


New member
Nov 7, 2008
This is sorta 2 questions in one, but they both tie together:
#1 My family goes out to restaurants twice a week, once for dinner and once for breakfast. My family and I eat most dinners together, rarely go out to fast food (if we do, it's Subway), and eat breakfast together on the weekends. Should I splurge both of those times, one time, or none of the time? (I'm trying to eat healthy!)

#2 I like to drink skim milk at home, but most restaurants serve 2% milk. Will drinking a large glass of 2% hurt me and does it make people fat?
you can go out to eat as often as your budget allows and you can eat healthy. maybe you could go to the restaurant online before you go there and get the menu/fat contents etc. no, drinking a glass of milk will not make you fat. sounds like you are a little obsessive about your food.
maybe you could make the suggestion about where to eat so you can make better choices.
it depends on how much you weigh, and from what i am reading you don't weigh that much, but i think you should start drinking some stuff that is healthy for you. and stop drinking skin milk that is just so ew..
and eat more with you family spend time with them and have fun with them...
Splurge out once a week,not twice if you want to lose weight. For the second time eating out, curb back some. The key is to choose wisely how to splurge--don't skip all the fries but split an order with some one else.
easy answer to #1 is "one time"
as "middle path"


short answer: "no"

an occasional glass of 2% milk might make you fart,
but it will NOT make you fat
1, you should never do it "on purpose." It's not like you have to decide to indulge in whatever you want each Tuesday dinner for instance. You do not want to create a bad habits. Instead, always try to eat healthy. And then, one evening when you go out to dinner with them, and you really really want to eat that dessert, or something else, do it! But do not establish a tradition simply for the sake of establishing it!

#2: No, it will NOT make you fat. Milk doesn't make people fat. Even if you drink milk with 101% fat. What makes people fat is eating more calories than they burn. As long as you are below your daily calories you will not gain weight. And that glass won't hurt you.
There's basically no difference in what milk you drink. But drinking any kind of milk will make you fat. It's not the "fat" that makes you fat. It's the sugar. And the skim milk has just as much sugar in it as regular milk. And no, it's not enough to hurt you.

Eat whatever you want at the restaurant. Splurging once or twice a week is not going to make you fat.
Two things I always do when I go out. I always order fruit and vegetables as my side and order water with a slice of lemon.

You can make healthy choices when you go out by ordering grilled chicken or fish as an entree with a side of steamed vegetables in place of pasta or potatoes (unless you can get red potatoes) and if you get a salad choose a lite dressing or just squeeze lemon over it.

Dairy products are all right occasionally but water is always better than milk if you're eating sensibly. A little short glass of milk with dinner won't hurt and then drink water the rest of your meal.
Generally speaking, as long as you exercise and are not chubby, you can eat whatever you want.
%Two percent butter fat is not going to make you fat. It is the ice cream or soft drinks or sugar in excess that will make you fat. Two % milk is ok.