Celebrities who voted for Obama? Don't you think it's funny that they did even


New member
Apr 25, 2008
though Obama plans to tax? higher those who make more than $250k a year!!! Obviously those celebrities did not do their research.

What do you think about that?
Well, he kinda has to tax, otherwise everyone else will be payin for it big time.
I think it has less to do with the money (they have plenty) and more to do with the fact that it is the right choice for the country.
Those who voted for Obama are probably not selfish. Plus I bet they'll make the money back. Is not like they're going to be broke.
Obviously even self centered celebrities care enough about other people than they do about accumulating more wealth.
Martha Stewart said "It's time to suck it in"

We'll see if she lays off anyone when she needs to meet her margins. It's going to be interesting.
Do you honestly think that people who are that rich have not learned to hire very good accountants in which they can mess with their returns and hide their income to some degree?
I totally agree with you, they know that they have plenty enough money and they aren't greedy.....

I always thought Charity was the Christian way? What is up with that Conservative Republicans?
sweetie, just because they're rich doesn't mean they always have been!!! SOME people don't forget where they came from, and most of them have family in the same situation as me and you!
They did their research. These celebrities are intelligent. They realize that higher taxes for some have to happen due to the failing economy. If the economy becomes bankrupt....everyone does. It is worth it to pay a little more now to fix the overall economy which will have everyone profit in the end. You should take some classes in accounting and economy.