can anyone help me with unlocking my new tmobile lx phone? if you know a...


Sarah J

...code please help me out? i just bought this new tmobile lx and cingular wont unlock it for me. and most softwares on ebay are $70. If you know something to unlock it for cheaper please let me know. Or if you know an unlock code please awnser. The unlock code needs to let me have this tmobile phone and put my cingular sim card in it. Thanks so much!
Hi there are many ways found to unlock mobile from network lock they are by cable ,software,code etc... among them code are the simplest one to unlock mobile .There are many providers found online who render code to unlock mobile .I guide you to visit to unlock your sidekick lx mobile from t-mobile network .here they ask you the imei number of your mobile .finally they send you code to unlock your mobile.If the code provided by them didn't help you to unlock your mobile they will refund back the amount which you paid for code...