Which Of These Celebrity..........?


New member
Oct 31, 2008
quotes will you most likely NEVER hear??

Paris Hilton: ''no way, i can't do that, it is way too trashy.''

Ron Jeremy: '' nah, size doesn't matter.''

Britney Spears: ''oh crap i can't go out, i'm not wearing panties.''

the Jonas Bro's: '' hey we just like pimpin our bit**es ho dog.''

Sarah Palin : ''come here Bristol, we need to talk about birth control.''
HA! HA! HA! HA! These are all so funny!!!!!!! =)

Paris Hilton: ''no way, i can't do that, it is way too trashy.''
George Bush: "I know exactly what to do!"

PS Easy assassination plan, just give him a bag of pretzels.

George Bush: "I know exactly what to do!"

PS Easy assassination plan, just give him a bag of pretzels.

Edit: Paris Hilton: ''no way, i can't do that, it is way too trashy.''
I didnt read the first one.
I do believe Paris has turned over a new leaf and is now a respectable citizen. She would never do trashy now, that's much too passe. Her new video is of her knocking on Mormons doors and converting them to modernism, offering a complimentary beer, half a dozen condoms and a stray ??????? oh oh, she slipped again.
"Nah, size doesn't matter" I can imagine all the other celebrities saying those quotes. Especially Palin and the Jo Bro's