26 Inch HDTV permanent 2 inch line appearing across screen?


Apr 4, 2008
Basically i got this HDTV yesterday and have been playing my xbox 360 on it on the 1080p setting when i saw a line appear on the screen, i thought id measure it to monitor it, it was 1 half inches when i did it. Two hours later the line had stretched to 2 inches. It does this not only when im playing xbox but also when im watching sky. What is causing this? Is it my xbox or my tv's contrast/lighting settings?
All help appreciated
I do not think there are any 1080p TVs in that small of size just yet. Sometimes when customers in my store fool with the 360 settings and change them to 1080p on the display monitors (max out at 720p) it creates a very dark screen and a large black like directly down the center.