Can my puppy go on a 5.8 mile hike with me?


May 13, 2008
I have a 17 week old puppy who's a german shepherd mixed with "wonder dog" (you wonder what the heck he is) that I got from the humane society. He weighs 35 lbs. The vet cleared him to jog with me for 30 minutes a day and we also go for 2 or 3 10 minute walks every day. I am a slow jogger so our 30 minute jog is just over two miles.

I just joined a hiking club that is going for a 5.8 mile dog-friendly hike on the coast this weekend. It is supposed to take 3-4 hours with a lunch break. Is my dog still too young to come with me or can he join in the fun?
He does have his full set of vaccinations (completed last week) and he is neutered. From what people are saying he wouldn't have fun and that would be the whole point of bringing him. He definately LOVES our vet approved jogs though.
i agree toooooo young!!! would you take a 3 yr old on a 5 mile hike? nope. and yes, you shoulget all the vaccines for it if you havent already
i am not sure. give it a try. take it slow and make sure to bring lots of water for him. idk how heavy he is but may u could get one of those doggie backpack and carry him when he gets tired.
have u talk to the other hikers who bring their dogs. ask them about there dog and its age and c what they recommend. if u cannot call them talk to the main hiker leader and ask him/her. if u cannot talk to anyone just bring urself on the 1st day and talk to everyone there and c what they think.
just dont push ur dog to hard.