Is there anybody who doesnt drink alcohol?


julie a

Hi, im 20 years old and i have never ever drunk alcohol. I never want to either as i believe it is a waste or money, damages your body eg. braina nd liver, and can lead to an eary death!I have tried it and i dont see what the fuss is about because it tastes like rubbish. WHy do people nee drugs to make them more confident/ hypo. WHy not just get high on life?It is disgusting how all the teenagers do it these days..they think they are all cool getting drunk at the age of 15/16/17 but they dont know he consequences!
does anybody agree with me?
Do me a favor and thank your parents for raising a smart kid.

I didn't start drinking til I was 22 for much the same reasons you mentioned. When I did start drinking, I started drinking responsibly (which was something I had never seen). I have since grown to not like drinking again since I have seen so many people making stupid decisions and acting stupid in general due to alcohol.
I completely agree with you!! I'm almost 19 years old.. ( my b-day is Jan 9Th) and i HATE drugs and alcohol .. i admit yeah i have tried them .. but they are def. a waste of money and all it does is harm your body. i don't need drugs to have fun. i enjoy life just as it is. Drug free is the way to be! :p
Actually, I know several non-drinkers, including one young man a couple of years older than you.

Personally, life is too sad to get high on. That's why mankind invented alcohol.
I don't drink alcohol either due to it's horrible taste! But always remember honey, live & let live.
Me, I agree, because it aslo ruins ur teeth, and like u said it leads to a early death.
i dont drink. personal choice.
good for u for not being a conformist.
I agree with 100% and the number one answer to your questions is 'PEER PRESSURE'
I do not drink. I support your decision. Drinking is a dead end for many. For some it is fun and helps them relax, for others it destroys their lives.
the society has come from a bunch of hippies i bet, i don't drink, or someke or get high, i totally agree with what you are saying, and trust me, we are a small number. they want to be cool by drinking and smoking and they dare to make fun of us but when they need a donor, they always need us because we got livers, and a healthier imune system/ body . ain't that something? good job for you, let's get more people to be cool like us! yey! lol
Either way isn't it just what makes you happy, I'm not sure why it should bother you what other people are doing with their lives. I have friends who don't drink alcohol on principle and others who don't drink but do drugs that sound much much worse.
I'm almost 23, And I don't drink,
And to tell you the truth, I am danged proud of it :)
Completely... i've been there, done that.... it sucks!
I am 23 and I never had alcohol and NEVER will.

It is against my religion and also not good for my health.
A lot of alcoholics who are recovering from alcoholism don't drink alcohol. I agree with you. You are smart.