if you have any compassion whatsoever please help me if you can!!!!!!!!!!!!!?


Nathan D

Im having a problem with my OCD..........Whenever I meet a new friend and we turn out to be bestfriends I have another paranoia where i must tell that person EVERYTHING and even the embarassing things.....i dont know what to do because there are some emabarassing things that i dont want my friends to know but on the other hand im always feeling guilty because i feel that im not being honest with my friend because im not telling them everything....and some friends have told me some things that are what i feel really emabarassing to them and i think to myself "should i tell them my embarassing stuff too??" These things are sooo embarassing to me that if i tell my friends them that im worried that they will turn against me. I really dont want to tell them and I dont want to have the paranoia of having that voice in my head keep on saying...."tell him/her that embarassing thing" what should I do??