Is my fish going blind?


May 19, 2008
your molly may have a disease called popeye... you can get ointments for these kind of disease's from any good pet shop... hope this helps :)
Yesterday I noticed my dalmation Molly has something wrong with his eyes. They looked kinda glazed over. They are practically white and they seem to be protruding. He's also acting really strange. He used to be the boss of the tank. Now he is hanging out in corners but he's still energetic. He used to come to the front of the tank when I would go over to it and follow me around. He also used to take all the food so the other fish couldn't even eat. Now it falls on his head and he doesn't know where it's at. I mean he really seems to be blind now, but why? Why is he blind? Is it a sign of something more life threatening? I mean I don't mind having a blind fish as long as he can eat, it's just I don't know why he went blind and if hes going to be ok.
your molly may have a disease called popeye... you can get ointments for these kind of disease's from any good pet shop... hope this helps :)