One bad grade, how will it effect colleges/future jobs and can I make a


New member
Oct 7, 2008
living off it? Ok so I do well in school and I try really hard, I get all A's and B's besides math, which im in the standard class of algebra 2..I always get a's and bs but then c's d's or even es (fs in our school) in math. How will this effect me with colleges/future jobs. My dad always say I won't be able to go to college or make a living with these type grades,but their always A's and high b's besides math!
Ps: I'm in all standard classes/high english/high history
Well it depends on what you are hoping on going into. LIke I want to be an author and I am TERRIBLE at math but in advanced english I have a 93. If I'm trying to get into a writing program, my math mark won't really affect it, but if I was going into medicine or something...then it would.