how long will it take to replace the steel brakeline on my 1995 buick regal?

It depends if they do all the lines or just one. Each front wheel has a steel line and there are either one or two that run to the rear wheels. Usually the two running under the car rust first followed by the rear cross over line to the right rear wheel.

Any 1995 car should have all new soft steel lines as the clips that anchor the lines hide salt and dampness. It's a must to look behind all the anchor clips. It would take a good mechanic at least four hours to run and bend and terminate all the lines. Keep your fingers crossed that all the brake hoses ore still good as they now run about $22.00 each. The actual line isn't expensive but the fittings are.
if u are going to do it correctly and u don't have a great amount of experience...around 5 hours....
It depends on the the steel line you purchase for length and weather the fittings have to be changed from the old line to the new line. The location makes a difference also as well as your expertise.