Any ways to get rid of zits?


Jun 8, 2008
i mean without zit cream that you buy at the store. Right now i have a couple small zits on my forehead at my hairline, one in the center of me eybrows and a couple above one of my eyebrows. I need this solution to be made with around the house stuff. I've heard toothpaste works, is that true? HELP!
Do you use any gel, mouse of other hair products very close to your hairline?? When i used to use them, it happened to me as well my forehead started getting full of zits, then i cut them and my skin started to get clearer, so if you do use them i advice you to cut on them and with time they will clear out. In the mean time if you do not have any creams then i would suggest you put some toothpaste on them/
Toothpaste does work =D
But the best thing to do is just wash your face with soap and water to prevent them.
um toothpaste does work sometimes, leave it on till it dries.... but when you go to take it of, DONT PICK IT OFF!!! then you'll hurt the skin, and theres the zit again!!! use water to rub it off, it may take a while, but it worx!!!
Yeah, I've heard about toothpaste too, but i haven't tried it...
Make sure you wash your face every morning and every evening. I suggest tea tree oil facial wash, you can get it at the body shop.
Yes, toothpaste works. The flouride in the toothpaste eats up the oil. Also, use toothpaste with whitening. It will make your skin look cleaner too.
yes toothpaste works, and you smell minty too =) or maybe you can use baking soda with a little water to help it stick to your face becasue that also works.
toothpaste is ur best at home remedy but u should really just go to the store
Try these:


Nitrogena face wash. The orange container. Cheap and works the best.

.25% Benzoyl Peroxide in the face wash

Lotion on parts of your skin that doesnt have too much oil so that it will even out the moisture on your face so you dont make extra oil.

Drink a lot of water

Get a lot of sleep

Do something that makes your stress go away

without using anything from a store it would be hard to get rid of them but if i were you i would try toothpaste. just make sure you use the paste and not the gel.

if you can get to a store try using proactive. its what i use and it works great

Go 2 the doctors. They gave me some amazing stuff and I am completely cleared up! I know what it feels like, you have no confidence and HATE school! I hope this answers your dreams (it did mine!) You are just like me and I think u should go for it and don't let anyone get u down! Good luck X = )
Visibly Clear from great:) you can use it as a mask once a week or a daily wash..i use it as a daily awesome...i use it once every now and then cuz it goes away so quick