Harassment over internet?


New member
Sep 20, 2008
Okay so I met this boy from Peru over the internet in a Spanish chatroom, the chatroom is for people to make pen pals and improve english or spanish. So I've been talking to him for about 6 months through e-mail, and unfortunately I told him I live in Pennsylvania. He just emailed me and told me he'd be in Connecticut visiting his uncle and wants my phone number. I am scared because of my college e-mail address, it says my full name. Can he find me? Should I be alarmed? Should I tell the police? His english doesn't seem too good, all he said was basically he was coming over here and that he likes me, and said please wait, and do not have boyfriend. What should I do?!
Thank you all! I definitely don't want to meet him. All we ever really talk about is the weather, and music we enjoy, stupid things like that, I don't know him at all! I am just concerned because my first and last name are not common names. I have never met or heard of anyone with my first name. If I do not get an email from hin in a few weeks should I be alarmed and call police?
He could definitely find you- don't underestimate people's abilities especially when it comes to computers. On the other hand, I wouldn't go calling the police quite yet. It seems like he just wants to meet you since he's been talking to you for so long, not necessarily in a stalker-ish way. But absolutely DO NOT agree to meet him/give your number/address unless you're 100% sure he checks out and you're comfortable with it.
So far i cannot see a harassment takes place. If you are not ready to meet this person then email him that you do not want yet to meet him.
Tell him you are not interested in meeting him. Just to be on the safe side, inform your room-mates and college security that this person may show up looking for you and you don't want to see him.
well, just telling him what state you live in and your full name isn't enough informatoin to find you (unless you put personal info on a myspace or something). at this pont, just be careful and concerned, dont give him any more info, and if you dont want to see hi in erson just say so. i dont think this is really harassment. a good idea would be to discuss your discomfort with him. chances are, he might be a little concered as well. if he refuses to comply with you, then i would suggest telling someone.