Why is spreading Obama rumors acceptable but spreading Palin rumors not acceptable?


New member
May 22, 2008
There's a huge outcry about all the rumors being spread about Sarah Palin. But, when rumors were being spread (and still being spread) about Obama, these were deemed justified by most because he was an 'unknown'.

Sarah Palin has been in the National public eye for LESS than 2 weeks. She ISN'T allowed to speak outside of her canned speeches and she's not allowed to field any questions.
So, when one is being elusive like Palin has been, the natural recourse is to try to find out about her through other means. Some of what has turned up is true some is not.

At least Obama has written books about himself and has been upfront about his past. Yet he still gets caught up in the rumor mill.

So, why is there such an outrage against the Sarah Palin rumor mill?
Isn't this just 'politics' as it was for Obama?
Wasn't it suggested that if he could 'take the heat' he should 'get out'?
Don't all the rules apply to Palin?
