My dad is struggling for work because the construction industry is very slow.
He found a job online recently, one that sounds VERY, VERY, VERYVERY similiar to this one:
he uses a bank account that the company has provided, not his own, and it is considered a "personal account". The bank is in some place like oklahoma. In order to create it into a buisness account, he'd have to physically travel to a bank in oklahoma. The company has him transfer money, and he gets a percentage of it. they say "get x amount of money to this person" sometimes saying to use cash only. So my dad will withdraw x amount of money from the account, and do a wire transfer to whoever they told him to. He transfers through wire transfers and paypal.

my dad wishes to continue this buisness because we're very tight on money, and im seriously worried because he gave them virtually all of his personal info. What could go wrong with this, what precautions should we take, how can I verify if the company is legit, and any idea where my dad could get a decent job with tons of construction experience?

I'm very serious about this question and hope that I can get sufficient answers from this community.