How many times did Obama's kids rehearse before their "hollywood" moment last night?


New member
Jun 27, 2008
How many times did Obama's kids rehearse before their "hollywood" moment last night?

Ok, we get it ..... the Obamas are a family JUST LIKE YOU AND ME...hahaha....too bad their kids don't realize all the bad men their Daddy has been and is associated with....shameful to brainwash little children don't you think?
also, did you notice the daughters hair wasn't in the standard braid style it usually is? HMMMM, to look more white or what? This is all planned and anything to get in the whitehouse.
You're just jealous because McCain would have to parade greatgrandchildren instead of children. I notice Cindy often wears her hair pulled back in a tight bun. Is that because she is trying to emphasize that she doesn't have an Afro?