Conspiracy theory anyone: Gold Medal imbalence for the Chinese?


New member
Aug 24, 2008
why is it that the u.s. especially as well as most other countries had a reasonably balanced # of medals, but the Chinese had WAY more gold than silver or bronze? seriously, literally the MAJORITY of their medals were gold. this isn't exactly unusual, but doesn't it seem like bias by the chinese judges went a little to far? i'm sure i'll get reamed by some people for being "a close-minded American bigot" and/or "hypocrite", but that's just the way it goes.
You can only send a certain number of athletes into each competition, so you can only come out with two, maybe three medals in all competitions. If China wins gold and silver in one competition, then gold and bronze in another, then their ratio will be off. For instance, they were upset in badminton, but only for their bronze medal, so they still won the gold and silver medals. It was very unlikely someone would somehow beat the two best Chinese players to win the gold, but much more likely they would lose to the #2 player and beat the #3 player to spoil the bronze.

There were no more Chinese judges than there were American judges. China was favored to win the most gold medals by the oddsmakers before the competition started, and throughout the Olympics. It's really no surprise to anyone who follows the odds.