Have you heard the news?


New member
Aug 20, 2008
This took place at a school in South Africa.
A boy (18) entered the school grounds with 3 (yes three!!!) Samurai swords and he was wearing a Slipknot mask (I think it's the one Slipknot's drummer wears - the one with the dreads). The boy walked up to a student, asked her if she wanted to "see something cool" and slashed the neck of a 16-year-old student. The 16-year-old died. The attacker also attacked another boy and two workers. According to the boy Satan made him do it.

The thing is, now suddenly, everyone in our country (South Africa) are blaming Slipknot and heavy metal in general. What are your thoughts on this?
Slipknot is a heavy metal band with quite a scary image. Their songs often refer to violent acts ("I want to slit your throat and f.... the wound"). Yoiu get the idea.

And, yes. In South Africa you are regarded as an adult once you are 18.