Hey guys...Ford Mustang or Toyota Celica.


Apr 5, 2008
Ok im a 16 Year old boy, and my previous question narrowed my car choices down to these two. Heres the deal. I get my license in about 5 days, and after that my dad said we can start shopping. He said the budget is 5000, which was really generous of him, I was expecting to scrounge up my 1,000 in the bank and buy somethin with that. But he's deciding to buy one for me. I've wanted a Ford Mustang for a while, and the 2000 models go for about 5k. But they only get 20mpgs. A guy recomended also a Toyota Celica, which I instantly fell in love with, and gets Much better gas mileage. My dad said he'll fill the tank up once a month, because any more than that would cost a bundle, with gas so high. Anyone out there tell me if a mustang is worth it? I've never liked Ford, but Mustangs are just sweet and I've heard they're better than their trucks. A Toyota is always reliable, and the Celica's pretty sweet. I'm leaning towards the Mustang. Any opinions? I'd love to know how well Mustangs have worked for people, especially ones with 80,000 miles on them.
Thanks a lot guys
o yeah and the insurance company said that as long as I get a v6, not a v8, the rates will be the same as if I got a truck, or civic.
for the mustang