is it ever possible to make legitimate money via working through the internet 4rm

Yes, I have been making a living on the internet since 1999. There are dozens of ways to make money on the internet. It's not a get rich quick scheme, and you have to actually work at it, just like any other job, but if you do, you can easily make more than the average middle class worker who has a job working for someone else.

The easiest way is to build free content websites and then sell advertising on it that matches the interests of your readers. With the advent of Google Adsense and other similar context sensitive ad programs (Yahoo has one too), it's super easy. Write about something that interests you, and it won't seem like work.

You can also find affiliate programs that sell something your readers would be interested in, then you show their ads, and when someone buys their product, you get a percentage of the sale price. The big three affiliate program sites are, and Usual commissions on these sites usually run 2% to 25%, depending on what they are selling.There are dozens of other smaller ones. merchants sell info products, and many of them will give you 50-75% of the sale. has a similar program.

Many companies also run their own private affiliate programs. The link to sign up is usually near the bottom of the page, or just email and ask them if you think you can move some of their product.

You can sell books for or, but they dont pay much. But lots of people buy books if you review them.

You can write an ebook about a hobby or How To do something and sell it from your website or on e-Bay.

Some people make a living just selling stuff on, and dozens of similar sites. eBay is the best known auction site.

You can build a membership site where you just put a small amount of information for free, then charge people a monthly fee (like a magazine subscription) to access the rest of your site.

If you know how to build websites or rank sites in search engines or do other things on the web, you can offer your services to other people for a fee. You can offer your services on sites like or where people will post jobs they want done and you can bid on what you would charge to do them.

Lots of people in the US hire foreign workers from countries where wages are lower than the US. to do all sorts of things, such as research or boring tasks like link building, or repetive things they need done all the time. It's a good deal for the US person because he doesn't have to pay a lot of money, but in poorer countries, a small US wage can be enough to live on.

You can ghost-write articles and sell them to other websites to use on their sites. Or you can do research for people for anything from background info for an article or presentation, genealogy charts, school homework, or almost anything. Or if you are good at writing sales copy, people will pay you for that. Lots of clerical chores that can be done from someone else's computer are often hired out by busy webmasters who don't have time to do everything themselves.

There are probably more opportunities if you speak fluent English, but people in your country probably hire for all sorts of stuff, too.

This is just a brief outline of the most popular ways of making money on the internet. There are many, many more ways. I could go on for hours if I had the time.