Mad Gun Monkeys: More Timesplitters On The Way



I've always found the Timesplitters series to be the among most entertaining and technically proficient console FPS games ever created, plus I get to be a monkey in multiplayer which is a selling point no matter what genre your game is. Now a European PlayStation community member has discovered that the latest edition of OPM: UK (not to be confused with OPM US, which is dead) reveals that Free Radical is hard at work on a new entry in the series for the PS3, which means there is a good chance it'll be coming to the Xbox 360 as well, but OPM wouldn't tell you that.
From the forum post:
No actual news on the features, other than Steve Ellis says "they're 'gearing' up to insert monkeys and guns into all the wrong places"​
Not much news, but excellent news indeed! Also, "Monkeys and Guns in All The Wrong Places" is what I want written on my tombstone.
Timesplitters PS3 confirmed. [Euro PS3 Forums via Evil Avatar]

